Born in Istanbul in 1982, Seza started playing tennis and swimming in her childhood, and added fitness activities to these sports during her high school years. While studying fine arts in the USA in 2002, she met yoga and made her active life the center of her life. Pilates, which he started with curiosity in 2012, became a part of his life in a short time and he received his first education from BASI Pilates® in search of a new career. Seza, who participated in many workshops and courses with Fitkon Academy, became the Fitkon Academy Barfit Master trainer in 2019.
- Fitkon Academy Barfit
- BASI Pilates®, Comprehensive Apparatus Program (Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Ladder Barrel, Avalon System)
- Barre Intensity Certified Trainer
- Nutrition for Optimal Health, Wellness, and Sports, San Diego State University
Seminars and Courses
- Fitkon Academy, Fonksiyonel Anatomi
- Fitkon Academy, Hamilelikte Pilates
Fitkon Academy, Antrenman Bilgisi ve Prensipler - Serotonin Akademi, Pilatesin Yumuşak Karnı: Boyun, H.Dip. NMT Alp Ertung
- Serotonin Akademi, Sakroiliak Eklem:
- Miyofasyal Strateji, H.Dip. NMT Alp Ertung
- Serotonin Akademi, Fasyal Sistemler ve Fasyal Training, Uzm. Dr. Işık Akgöl, H.Dip.
- NMT Alp Ertung, Master PE Özge Ersan
- Serotonin Akademi, Hareket Anatomisi ve Kadavra, Uzm. Dr. Işık Akgöl, H.Dip. NMT Alp
- Ertung, Master PE Özge Ersan
- BASI PILATES®, Foam Roller Workshop, Maria Sylla
- BASI PILATES®, Discover Your Balance with Pilates, Mariam Younossi
- San Diego State University, College of Extended Studies, Nutrition for Optimal Health, Wellness and Sports
- Pre- and Postnatal Pilates, Tracy Mallett
- STOTT PILATES® Scoliosis Management, Jennifer Dahl
- STOTT PILATES® The Knee Stability & Function workshop, Jennifer Dahl
- STOTT PILATES® Optimization of the Shoulder workshop, Jennifer Dahl
- STOTT PILATES® Anatomi, Jennifer Dahl